Sunday, August 29, 2010

Come one, come all. Let's see the real Bill Compton-Season One Review, Part One

Even muttering his name should be a curse.  He walked in to Bon Temps and in a matter of weeks has turned a whole town upside down.  How could one person cause such havoc and mayhem?  It's not one person, darling.  It's one evil, conniving vampire.  Or as Lafayette would say "He's satan in a Sunday hat".  And who is this vampire?  Why, it's Bill Compton.

He walked into Merlotte's like a man on a mission.  And of course, now we know that's exactly why he walked into Merlotte's.  He was sent to procure her on the orders of Queen Sophie-Anne Leclerq.  But we didn't know that in season one.  We were also being romanced and procured just like Sookie.  Many of us had our suspicions, but we had no idea how dangerous this vampire could be.  He needed "saved" from the Rattray's, right?  How dangerous could Bill Compton be?

Oh, Sookie.  We wish we could have warned you.  You were given warning signs, but they were so easy for you to ignore.  For the first time in your life you were able to not hear another beings thoughts.  That must have been blissful.  That must have made you want to ignore the obvious warning signs that you were shown.  Ignorance is bliss.  But ignorance can get you killed.

In the matter of a day or two, Sookie was almost killed by the same people that tried to drain Bill Compton.  Bill waited long enough to swoop in to save her-it was important that he waited long enough that he would be "forced" to give Sookie his blood.  

This way he could keep tabs on her-of course for her "safety".  Of course, Bill.  She's met you twice, and he supposedly has no attachments to her-it makes perfect sense to want to protect Sookie, right?  Something in the milk isn't clean.  But Sookie, being naive and gullible, buys into everything. Bill even asks Sookie if he can call on her.  Awww, he's a Southern Gentleman, err Vampire.

We watch as he shows up to "call" on Sookie (is this the nice word for procure?).  He charms Sookie and Adele with his genteel southern charm.  Who wouldn't be charmed by such a smooth operator?  Bill asks to take Sookie for a walk, and plans are made for Bill to speak to Adele's group, "Descendants of the Glorious Dead".  Sookie even offers to help Bill find an electrician for him home, since he moved back to Bon Temps to reclaim his ancestrial home.  We hear one of Bill's first lies when he tells Sookie about his past as a vampire, "I killed a few by accident at first. I was never sure when I was going to get my next feed. But it's all different now. There's Tru Blood, I can get donor blood from a clinic in Monroe, or I can glamour someone into letting me feed on them for love, and then they'll forget all about it."  What a nice way to smooth over a past that we will soon find out is not as nice as Bill wanted Sookie believe he had.

 Wow, this sounds like the beginning of an epic love story, doesn't it.  True love conquers all-even a century old vampire and a telepathic barmaid can find true love in the strangest of circumstances.  I wish this was the case for Sookie Stackhouse, but she has unknowingly opened a Pandora's box that won't easily close.   Women start dying.  Two that can be linked to Sookie's own brother: Claudette Perkins and Dawn Green.  People are scared, and if they aren't, they should be.

Sookie shows up to Bill's house, armed with an electrician's name.  But what she is greeted with would make anyone with common sense RUN!

But Sookie doesn't have common sense.  Or if she does, we've not been able to see it.  She is confronted with three vampires that are not mainstreaming.  And three vampires that should have made her question Bill's character.  And she's scared, but we all know it doesn't last long. She gives Bill the phone number, and proceeds home.  She's upset-her life was in danger again.  And who is waiting for her: Bill.  Sookie informs Bill that she doesn't want to see him anymore, but he tells her that she will never find anyone more suited for her than him as he is the only man she will ever be able to relax around.  Bill, what sacrifices you make for a woman you've known for a matter of days. 

Women start dying.  Both of the dead women can be linked to Sookie's own brother, Jason.  Adele begs Sookie to use her "gifts" to clear Jason's name.  And Sookie asks Bill to take her to the vampire bar, Fangtasia in Shreveport.  And of course, being the helpful man we all know Bill Compton to be, he agrees.
Flash forward to Fangtasia.  Sookie begins to ask questions about the dead women, and is summoned by Eric Northman, 1000 year old vampire Sheriff of Area 5.  Begin to swoon, darlings.

Eric is intrigued by Sookie.  So much so, that we see a lot of fist clenching from Bill-and he can't wait again to claim Sookie as "his".  Eric is even  more intrigued with Sookie, as he should be-she is able to warn Eric of a police raid and they are able to flee before the police can get to them.  Bill and Sookie head home, but Sookie says she needs things to "stop".  Bill stops the car and within minutes a police car pulls behind them.  Pay attention, darlings.  We get to see another glimpse at Bill's "other" side.

Sookie is scared.  She's afraid Bill is going to kill the officer.  And she should be scared.  After they leave the officer  (alive, but so scared that he pees his pants) Bill admits to Sookie that he would have fed on the police officer if she hadn't been there.  And we know now that Bill would have killed the officer if Sookie hadn't been there.  Bill promises to not see Sookie again and leaves.  I know I breathed a sigh of relief, but I knew it was going to be short lived.  Bill is on a mission, and anything he says about leaving her alone and not seeing her are just lies.

Finally, it's the night that Bill talks to Adele's group at the church.  We are shown Bill, sitting in the church's kitchen, sullen.  We had no idea at the time what this means, but now I'm sure I know.  He is cold.  He is calculating.  He has been spurned by Sookie, who is on a date with Sam Merlotte.

Bill speaks to the crowd, and he puts on his "nice, charming Southern Gentleman" face.  He is charming when he chooses to be.  We're aware of this fact now-there are two sides to Bill Compton.  One the public sees, and another where we see the true face of Bill Compton.  The one that will lie or kill to get his way.  The one that we see when he's not with Sookie.

The public face of Bill Compton

Sam and Sookie's date ends badly.  Sookie doesn't want to hear anyone speak the truth about Bill Compton.  Especially that he's dangerous. Sam takes Sookie home where she is greeted to this horrible, horrible scene.

We all know at this point this murder should not be connected to Claudette and Dawn's murder.  They were both strangled.  Why would a serial murderer that strangles women change his MO-especially to such a brutal, bloody way of killing?  Exactly.  They don't.  Someone that strangles a person is looking to not get their hands dirty-it's a very efficient way of killing.  Adele Stackhouse's murder was brutal.  It's obvious there was a lot of rage behind this murder.  And guess who shows up to save the day.  Yep, you guessed it.  Mr. "I promise not to see you anymore" Bill Compton.

Oh, he's quick to tell anyone that will listen that this couldn't be the work of a vampire because there is too much blood.  That's always Bill's mantra.  And I think we all know at this point that Bill Compton could have very well killed Adele Stackhouse and planted a false memory in Rene's mind.  Remember, vampires are skilled at glamouring people-and he had the opportunity to do so with Rene either at Merlotte's or at the Stackhouse residence.   And we know that Bill can withstand the temptation of blood.  Sookie was near death after the Rattray's attack and he was able to save her and not feed on her.  But we'll touch more on this later.

We watch Sookie mourn Adele's passing at the wake at her home and at the funeral.  We watch her return home and eat the last piece of pie and sob for her grandmother.  My heart aches for her-she loved her grandmother.  Imagine my surprise to watch Sookie pull out a gown (and where exactly does one find a gown like this-a renaissance fair?!) and run down to Bill's house.  She's a woman on a mission.

Bill (of course) hears her coming and runs out to meet her.  I can't imagine having sex (especially for the first time) as something I would do after walking in and seeing my grandmother brutally murdered and attending her funeral, but hey, that's just me.  We are forced to see a love scene that looks like Bill had pre-planned, like he knew Sookie was coming over.  It reminds me of a cheesy, romance novel love scene-from her flowy white gown (we get it, Sookie-you're a virgin) and rug in front of the fire place.

Sookie obviously feels comfortable with Bill, so they snuggle up in a big bathtub and Sookie chooses this time to tell Bill about her Uncle Bartlett and the fact that he molested her.  She doesn't realize what a foolish choice she has made.

She has her back to him and doesn't see the look on his face.  At this point we know that Uncle Bartlett's days on this green earth are numbered.  And I'm not saying that Uncle Bartlett wasn't deserving of his punishment.  Sookie didn't realize she was signing off on Bill to kill him.  And we just didn't factor in that he would die so quickly.  Bill barely let Sookie go to sleep before he was off to kill Uncle Bartlett.   And my dears, we are starting to see the true face of Bill Compton. 

Meanwhile, Sookie is at work at Merlotte's.  This is a much different Sookie.  She wears a scarf to hide to bite marks from Bill, because she knows how people will react if they know.  She is on top of the world.  Sam and Tara (and the rest of the bar) are judgmental to Sookie about her romantic choices, but we see a new Sookie.  A Sookie that is starting to show the effects of consuming Bill Compton's blood.

 Enter Malcolm, Diane and Liam. 

The show up to Merlotte's to start trouble and to let everyone know they have moved in. Bill shows up to save the day (eye roll) and they only agree to leave Merlotte's if Bill comes with them and leaves mainstreaming behind.  Bill agrees, telling Sookie that he is vampire and belongs with them.  Sookie is heartbroken, but three bar patrons plot to kill the vampires.

Sookie is frantic.  She tries to call Bill many times, with each call going to voice mail.   She feels the need to warn him about the plans she has overheard.   She even gets Sam to try to intervene, but he refuses to get involved. 

Why, Sookie, why?  The sex can't be that good.

Sookie goes to Bill's house, searching for him.  There is no sign of Bill Compton.  At this point, I would be washing my hands of Bill Compton.  He had told Sookie (publicly too I might add) that he wants to be with vampires.  He is unpredictable.   But this is Sookie we're talking about, and to call her tenacious is an understatement.  She decides to sleep it out on Bill's sofa.

Early the next morning, we see Chuck, Wayne and Royce at the vampires house.  And they are going to set the house on fire, burning the vampires during their daytime slumber.

Burn, baby, burn.

And with this darlings, I end my review of the first 7 episodes of Season 1.  Stay tuned for Part 2.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Meet the true rat of "I smell a Rat" (HINT: It's not Eric Northman)

I know how I felt after I watched episode 10 last week.  Everything was fine and wonderful-we got to see Sookie actually doubt Bill Compton's words and actions.

We were given (another) dream sequence with Eric and Sookie-and a REAL, if not brief, kiss.  A kiss that had obvious effects on Eric.  At that point it was crytal clear that he loves Sookie. 

 Enter Pam (who we also learned in this episode is royalty).  She doesn't understand Eric's feelings for Sookie-and his willingness to give up his life for a human.  She will do anything to spur action in Eric.  It's also obvious the love she has for Eric.

Then everything went to hell in a handbasket.  We watched Eric hoist Sookie over his shoulder and take her to the basement and place a chain around her neck!  Really, Alan Ball?!?  This is how you are going to reward your Eric fans?  With this:

I've had time to reflect.  I've had time to reassess the situation.  And now I'm not just mad, I'm ready to see Bill Compton exposed to be the liar, serial murderer and con man that he is.  And I'm ready to see Eric take control of the situation.

Let's go back to the earlier scenes-when Eric stopped by Jason's house to say goodbye to Sookie.

He played Bill like a violin and was able to get him to admit that Sookie's blood will allow daywalking, if only for a brief time.  Bill underestimates Eric's intelligence and strength, and overestimates his own.  Sookie is a mirror of Bill-she overestimates Bill's honesty and intelligence, and underestimates Eric's.  I blame Sookie's misguided feelings on her consumption of Bill's blood-and the fact that she cannot hear a vampire's thoughts.  This is another reason Sookie is easily taken advantage of by Bill.  She's at a disadvantage when she has to trust herself in reading body language.

Why did Eric feel his only option was to lock Sookie away in the basement at Fangtasia?  Because if Sookie was a man, we would accuse her of thinking with the wrong head.  She has been dickmatized and brain washed by Bill Compton and his "bad blood".   She is running off half-cocked and going blindly into battle.  Hmmm, remind you of anyone?

Yes, I 'm talking about Bill Compton and his hideous man-bangs.  We have watched this man for almost three seasons now.  We've watched him enter Merlotte's in season one.  He was brooding, dark and mysterious.

Bill Compton, procurer

We can re-watch those scenes again with fresh, knowing eyes.  It's apparent to us now that he was on a mission.  He knew exactly who his mark was: Sookie Stackhouse.  We were seduced with a love story-a vampire that was trying to regain his "humanity", and now it is apparent that that is all for show.   We watched him "save" Sookie's life from the Rattray's.  We've watched him kill and threaten anyone that he feels will take away "his" Sookie.  We keep waiting for Sookie to wisen up and tell Bill she is no one's possession.  Alas, we are still waiting,  But enough about Mr. Compton.

Let's talk about Eric Northman
Eric Northman, BAMF and VILF

We've watched his character grow from a minor character in season one to a main character in season three.  His character is much more developed than Bill Compton.  Is there a reason for that?  Are we seeing more of Eric because of Sookie's obvious attraction to him?  Or is it because Eric Northman is just more interesting?  I think it's a little of both. 

But I digress. I'll touch base on the misdeeds of Bill Compton and good deeds of Eric Northman in another post.

Back to Episode 10.  Jason saved Tara from Franklin, while very entertaining, was a psychotic rapist.   We watched Jason Stackhouse grow up in one episode-he finally had the courage to tell Tara about his hand in killing Eggs AND kick Bill Compton out of his house:

I enjoyed watching the vampire I loathe lurch backwards out of Jason's house.  Could Sookie be the next one to remove Bill from her life?  We can only hope.

I'm not sure what to make of the strange scenes between Lala and Jesus, just as I'm not able to figure out if Jesus is good-or Satan in a Sunday hat.  We are being told that Lafayette is powerful, but how is his power going to be used? 

Next on the list to discuss is Hoyt/Jessica/Summer/Tommy.  We watched Summer try to seduce Hoyt.

And we watched Hoyt go to Jessica.  And I cheered when Hoyt sucker punched Tommy. 

Tommy, thinking he would get even with Hoyt, proceeded to shift and attack Hoyt.  Jessica, out of love for Hoyt, offered her blood to him.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Jessica, saving Hoyt Season 3

Bill, saving Sookie Season 1

The big difference, darlings-Jessica and Hoyt have an established relationship to each other.  Sookie had met Bill twice at his point-and doesn't know anything about this vampire.  Is Jessica doomed to follow in her maker's footsteps?  Or will she also break free from Bill's influence?  I think the scene with the burning cross and writing on Bill's house was set up for a reason.  To make her trust Bill and make him look like a caring "father".  Even his words sounded hollow: “It’s more important than ever that we restrain ourselves. Even if it is against our nature.”

We had a major revelation about Sam Merlotte.  We were shown Sam's past for a reason.  Trust that fact.  We are shown that Sam is not so different from Bill.  They both have lied, stolen and murdered.  Another fact to tie them together: Sam has also ingested a large quantity of Bill Compton's blood.  Are we seeing this because of Sam's guilt-or the influence of Bill Compton's blood in Sam Merlotte?

 Arlene finally admits to Terry that the baby she is carrying is not his.  And we watch Terry accept the situation and choose to love Arlene, the unborn baby, and to do the right thing.  Too bad Arlene isn't going to do the same.

And finally, we see the depth of Russell's grief and insanity.  We watch him with Tony, a male prostitute Russell picks up off the street.  We watch Russell confusing Tony for Talbot, trying to make up for his mistakes and his absence when he met his final death.  Intense? Yes.  Insane? Hell, yes!

So, the only questions I am left with are these: Who is the rat they are alluding to in the episode?  And what is the common theme-regardless of  the character?  We have manipulation and we have people using each other for different reasons-for love (Arlene/Terry), grief (Russell/Tony), for control (Sookie/Bill, Eric/ Bill AND Jessica/Bill) and to save lives (Sookie/Eric AND Jessica/Hoyt).  And to address the final question-who is the rat?  That's easy, darling.  It's Bill Compton.