Sunday, September 19, 2010

Season 4 Predictions

Let me start this off by saying this: I don't know how I'm going to make it until next June.  Seriously.  Luckily, I have my DVD's and all of Season 3 on DVR, so I have enough True Blood and Eric to keep me warm through the long winter months ahead.

Before I start with my other posts, I thought I'd take a few minutes of your time and post my Season 4 predictions while Season 3 is fresh in my mind.  So, grab a cold beverage and enjoy.

  • Maxine will attempt to kill Jessica, and will injure Hoyt fatally.  Jessica will then turn Hoyt.  Hoyt has started to look and feel a lot like Book Bubba to me as of late.  I think Hoyt will be a vampire by the end of Season 4, and maybe a little mentally challenged due to Jessica turning him.  She is a young, relatively weak vampire (due to her age).
  • Sookie will be the one with amnesia, not Eric.  Bill will consort with witches to make Sookie lose her memory, therefore putting Eric and Bill on an even playing field.  The difference: Eric actually cares for Sookie, and will be protective.  We will still get to see a softer side of Eric, and Sookie and Eric will be on the run from Sophie-Anne, Bill and Russell.
  • Bill will exhume Russell from his concrete prison.  I actually think Alcide will be working with Bill.  I think Alcide is not the nice guy everyone thinks he is.  Someone that tells you how nice they are usually aren't nice.  It falls under the category "Thou does protest too much".
  • Sophie-Anne and Bill both survive their fight, but Sophie-Anne orders Bill to finish the job or he is dead.  See above prediction.
  • I think we are going to discover that Bill was a shifter or a were prior to be turned a vampire.  This falls into line with the fact that Bill has the uncanny ability to get out of silver (3 times this season alone) and change his voice.  Watch the scene from season 3 when Bill almost drains Sookie in the back of the panel van.  He drinks blood like a vampire bat.  And check out his fangs during that scene....
  •  Eric may have telekinetic powers in addition to flying.  Watch the scene in episode 12 when he makes the door fly open as he approaches Sookie's house.  He also wasn't pitched off the porch when Sookie told him to get off the porch.  Things to ponder...
  • Does Bill's blood cause hallucinations?  Is he able to use his blood to "call" people.  Sam's character has been on a downward slide since he ingested Bill's blood at the end of Season 2.  Don't be surprised if Sam's memories are all false-and implanted by Bill. 
  • Jesus is evil.  So is Holly. (See the category "Satan in a Sunday Hat". I'm waiting to see how Yvetta plays out in season 4.  One of these characters is going to either be Hallow, or involved with Hallow closely.
  • We will continue to see Godric as Eric's conscience continues to reemerge.   It's going to be a long, hard road for Eric to admit that he has feelings-and that he cares for Sookie.  I think he will be forced to adapt quickly though.
  •  I look for Tara to be MIA throughout most of Season 4.  I see her back mid-season to help Sookie and Eric.
  • Think Bill was bad during season 3?  He's gonna get worse, darlings.  Much, much worse.  Think being a coward, lying and voice changing was bad?  It's the tip of the iceberg.
  • I think Hot Shot and Fairy Land (otherwise known as Summer's Eve Land) parallel each other.  Jason is the new savior of Hot Shot.  Sookie and Eric will be the saviors of Bon Temps, with the help of Claudine and Fairy Land.
  •  I don't think Sam shot Tommy.  I just can't see his character destroyed in this way.  Especially if we find out that Bill implanted false memories into Sam to make himself believe he murdered 2 people.  And I think those were false memories.
  • Terry is on the edge of a break down.  And look for Arlene to become involved with the Fellowship of the Sun this season.  
  • Lafayette is good.  And I think his hidden abilities will help save Sookie and Eric this season.  I'm not sure how yet-it's just a gut feeling I have.

That's all for now. Feel free to add any predictions you have in the comment section.

Thanks to Sue, for talking True Blood for hours with me while we toss theories around and squeal over Eric.  I think you are my True Blood muse.

And thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings.  Did I mention how much I love this show?!?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Come one, come all. Let's see the real Bill Compton. Season One Review, Part 2

We left on in part two thinking (and let's be real, hoping) that Bill Compton has met his final death.  Sookie spent the night on Bill's sofa, waiting for him to come home.  She even checks his hidey-hole. Alas, Bill Compton is not to be found.

I'm not a callous person.  I just don't get the appeal of Bill Compton.  He's a little too intense for me.  He seems a little too smooth, and he does have the nasty habit of killing people.  And have I mentioned his man bangs?

 Sookie is desperate.  She heads over to Malcolm, Diane and Liam's house-only to be greeted with this scene.
Four coffins were pulled from the fire.  Sookie is upset and worried.  She assumes that Bill Compton is dead (as if!).  Later on in the evening, she heads to the cemetery to visit Bill's grave.  What she doesn't expect is this:

Bill Compton, who obviously has more lives than a cat, emerges from the ground to grab Sookie's leg and proceed to have rough sex with her.  What better way to celebrate reuniting with your lover than scaring her half to death and having rough, dirty sex with her in a graveyard?!?  Bill Compton, die-hard romantic.  I forsee a yeast infection in Sookie's future.

Everything is hunky-dory in Sookieverse.  They head back to her house, and proceed to have more sex.  She is having so much fun that she forgets she is supposed to babysit Arlene's children.  Bill's still there, but we all know the perfect babysitter is a vampire.

Sookie is charmed even more by Bill and he proceeds to play and interact with Arlene's children.  I have concluded at this point that Bill is very much a chameleon.  He is easily able to adapt and be whatever and whomever he is supposed to be in each situation. 

Sookie awakes the next morning from a dream (damn) where she imagined Bill was awake during the day, had made her breakfast and was reading the paper.  We then watched Bill burst into flames.  

For the first time, I felt hope.

We watch later as Bill (unfortunately, dreams don't come true) comes home carrying a dry cleaning bag.  He senses he is not alone, and heads upstairs to find this beautiful creature in his bathtub.

 Oh, Eric.  It's been too long since we've seen your gorgeous, uh face..

Wait, let's see this a little closer.  I need a second (or third) look.

Eric has come to Bill's to tell him that he needs Sookie's telepathic services.  Of course Bill doesn't want Sookie to do it, but who can say no to Eric Northman.  Certainly not Bill Compton.

Sookie reluctantly agrees to help Eric find the embezzler at Fangtasia. She promises to help Eric whenever he needs her as long as he doesn't kill the guilty party and hands them over to the police, alive.  She questions a sweaty, nervous accountant.  And we are introduced to the fangbanger Ginger (who we soon find out has a healthy set of lungs on her). Sookie clears the accountant, and realizes that Ginger has been glamoured many times about the embezzled money.  Long Shadow, the bartender leaps across the bar with the intention of killing Sookie.  I think we have figured out at this point that Long Shadow must be the embezzler.

Bill, ever the hero, snaps off a beer tap and stakes Long Shadow, and we are treated to a "Carrie" like moment as she is sprayed with Long Shadows blood.  

Sookie goes to clean up, and Eric is unhappy that Eric killed a vampire for a human.  It's quite clear that he's willing to let this go though for Bill to hand Sookie over to him.  Bill (of course) refuses. They have a very significant conversation:

"I'll take the girl." -Eric
"No!" -Bill
"You can have anyone you like, why do you want her?" -Bill
"Why do you want her?" -Eric
"Sookie must be protected." -Bill
"Now that sounds like an edict, but it couldn't be because I would know about that." -Eric
"Your not in love with her, are you?" -Eric
(Bill looks down)
"Admit it. You love her." -Eric (looking very amused)

I'll use any excuse to post a picture of Eric Northman.  Can you blame me?

You may wonder why I think this is a significant conversation?  We are currently watching Season Three, and we now know that Bill Compton has been collecting a lot of information on Sookie Stackhouse.  Probably for many, many years-and on the order of Queen Sophie-Anne Leclerq.  It's important that Eric says "Now that sounds like an edict, but it couldn't be because I would know about that".  If Eric knows Bill's plans and his true reason for returning to Bon Temps, why would he say such a thing to Bill Compton.  He may know Sookie is special, but he doesn't understand why.  And I also think Bill Compton thinks he loves her, and loves her as much as a monster is capable of loving someone.

Bill takes Sookie home and assures her that everything is fine with Eric.   Another lie-we are soon to find out.

The next scene we see with Bill is where he is playing Wii (yes, Wii) golf.  He even chooses a boring Wii game.  Yawn.  He seems to not have a worry in the world as he hears a knock on the door and goes to answer it.  Enter Eric, Pam and Chow (the new bartender at Fangtasia).

Bill says to Eric that 'this couldn't be avoided'.  He asks that they take him by Merlotte's so he can say goodbye to Sookie, and that he'll be gone awhile. I wish Eric would have said 'No.' And is it wrong to wish that 'awhile' translated into 'forever'?

Bill and his entourage arrive at Merlotte's.  Bill goes to talk to Sam, and asks him to watch out for Sookie while he is away.  Sam says he'll do it, but only because of Sookie.  Meanwhile, Eric and Pam pass out brochures for Fangtasia, and Eric makes a really big deal about announcing to the bar that a vampire knows when they have been wronged by a human.

Bill says goodbye to Sookie, and tells her he will be gone for awhile (but not long enough for my sake).  Sookie realizes that Bill has lied to her about everything being fine after the staking at Fangtasia.   Bill tells her he has to stand trial and leaves with Eric. Buh-bye, man bangs.

Sookie leaves Merlotte's and heads to Bill's house, because she has the bright idea that no one will be looking for her at his house (there is still a murderer or two at large in Bon Temps-and everyone knows she is dating Bill Compton.  If they check her house and she's not there-the second best place to check would be Bill's house in my opinion.  But there I go thinking again!).  She gets to his house and sees the local dog has followed her.  Sookie decides to have to dog stay with her, and names him "Dean".  (Dean?!? Really.  That would be the last name I would come up with for a dog, but I digress.)

They settle in for the night, but Sookie wakes up to see a very naked Sam at the foot of the bed.

They both scream and Sam admits that he is a shifter.  Sookie feels betrayed (how fresh!) that Sam kept this secret from her and didn't trust her with it.

Bill faces the Magister at the tribunal.  The Magister tells Bill that the penalty for staking another vampire is 5 years in a silver lined coffin (only 5 years!?!)  Eric tells the Magister that Bill is a loyal subject and the reason he was staked had to do with money being stolen from Fangtasia and that the human in question is "special", and the Magister decides he has a  more creative punishment for staking Long Shadow.

Bill will need to create a new vampire to replace the "life" he took.

Enter Jessica.

Bill starts a song and dance routine about how he'd rather be in a silver lined coffin (Oh, for once Bill and I agree on something!), but the Magister doesn't want to hear about it.  

He tells Billy boy to get on with it, and Bill starts to glamour Jessica-as to which the Magister quickly verbally bitch slaps Bill and tells him that no glamour is allowed. Bill has to go about this by force, which I'm sure he had no problem doing.

Meanwhile, back in Bon Temps, Sookie is at Arlene and Rene's engagement party at Merlotte's.  Sookie, of course is alone (as Bill is off making a vampire).  She's still hella pissed at Sam for not telling her he is a shifter, and Arlene sends Rene over to dance with Sookie.

Sookie goes inside Merlotte's and is attacked by the murderer.  She's able to see his thoughts and picks up some clues about another woman he's murdered.  Sam rushes in and saves Sookie (why is Sookie always a damsel in distress?! Damn, you Alan Ball) She confides in Sam what she was able to "hear", and they make plans to do some investigating at a pie shop.

With much regret, we're back to Bill Compton.  To finish "turning" Jessica, he now needs to bury her in the ground and she'll rise a vampire.  Pam is there to supervise since the Magister doesn't trust (very smart) Bill.  She's afraid he'll stake Jessica before she can rise.  Bill is aggravated by Pam's supervision, and also because he had to create a vampire.  Bill said he's going to set her free, and Pam is all "You already have when you turned her."  Pam admonishes him with a look and says to him "You're a maker. You're a hero."  I agree with the maker part, but Pam, we're gonna have to disagree with the 'hero' part.

The next day Sookie and Sam are off to visit a nearby pie restaurant to get information on the waitress she sees in her vision.  They talk to a man that knows Cindy Marshall (the dead woman from the vision).  He tells them that a suspect was her brother, Drew Marshall, but he disappeared.  Sookie Supersleuth and Sam head over to the police station where they deal with a vampire hating officer.  Sookie overheard his thoughts earlier where he was thinking about cheating on his wife.  Sookie, all high and mighty, threatens to tell his wife and he says he'll fax a picture of Drew Marshall over to the Bon Temps police department.

It gets faxed over, but gets lost in a pile of paperwork.

Drew Marshall AKA Rene Lenier

Jessica has risen as a vampire, and it's obvious she's going to be hard to control.  Karma's a bitch, Bill.  Bill tries to control her (shocker!) and tell her what she needs to know as 'vampire', and she announces to Bill that she has the "worst maker ever".  Jessica, I couldn't agree more.

Bill, wanting to get back to Bon Temps to continue his procuring of Sookie, makes a stop at Fangtasia with Jessica.  He can't wait to get rid of her, and figures that Eric Northman will be the perfect 'adoptive' maker.
Jessica has been robbed twice.  Her life as a human was horrible-she was controlled and not allowed to be a child.  Now she's stuck with a horrible maker, who doesn't want to be bothered with showing her how to be a vampire or do right by her.  But of course, being the awesome vampire we all know he is, Eric agrees to take Jessica under his wing.

Let me help you with your jacket, Mr. Northman.

Meanwhile, back in Bon Temps, Sam is staying with Sookie at her house.  They are talking, and Sookie and Sam find themselves locked in a kiss.  Of course, this would be the time that Bill chooses to burst in and starts to be all possessive and whatnot.

Sookie has had enough of Bill's BS and tells him that he left her with no promise to come back and now he's all mad at the person that's protecting her.  Bill's all  "I told him to watch you."  Sookie doesn't care and tells him to "Get Out!"  Of course, Bill has to start the guilt trips already (and it's just the beginning, darling)  as he tells her she has no idea what he's done to be able to come back.  Sookie puts on her best bitch face and says "I rescind your invitation" and out Billy Boy goes.  My favorite part?  When Sookie slams the door in man bang's face.  Of course Sam isn't finished either.  He has to start the "you shouldn't be with him, you should be with me" campaign, and Sookie doesn't want any part of it. 

The next day comes around and Sookie finds out her brother is in jail again-this time for the strangulation of his girlfriend, Amy Burley.  When Sookie gets to the jail, Rene is visiting his friend in jail.  Sookie (AKA dumbass) proceeds to tell Jason she knows he's innocent and she knows the murderer is Drew Marshall.  Rene (AKA Drew Marshall) informs Sookie she doesn't even know if he exists, so he might not be the killer.

Sookie leaves and goes to Merlotte's but she realizes that she shouldn't be working since everyone is thinking horrible things about Jason.

Sam tells her to go to his trailer, but Sookie just wants to get out of here.  She goes out to her car, but of course it won't start.  Rene, being the good Samaritan that he is, offers to take her home.  Sookie gets in the truck and off they go.

Sam sees Sookie's car in the lot-along with Rene's vest.  He smells Rene's vest and realizes that Rene killed Dawn.  Off he goes to Sookie's house...and at Arlene's house, she finds his hidden stash of tapes: vampire porn (Claudette and Liam) and a tape teaching you to talk with a Cajun accent.

Sookie and Rene are at at her house and she's getting him some tea.  Rene is trying to hide his thoughts, but he thinks about killing Adele.  This is the part that makes me question his killing Adele.  In the memory clips, the chairs in the kitchen are totally different than the chairs that are in the kitchen now.  But I'll go more into this in another post...

Sookie realizes that Rene (AKA Drew Marshall) is the killer  And Sookie is not a good actress.  She spills the tea all over the floor, and makes a lame-o excuse about getting a mop, but she really wants to go find a gun.

Rene is on to her, but Sookie is able to get to the gun.  Unfortunately for her, Rene has removed the bullets and Sookie screams and hits him over the head with the shotgun-and takes off like a bat out of hell into the graveyard.

Sam pulls in, smells the air and starts stripping to shift to find Sookie.  This is about the time that Bill, sensing Sookie is in danger, wakes up from his daytime slumber and attempts to tempt the sun to try to save her.

Sookie decides that hiding in a freshly dug grave is the best place to hide.

Rene, or course finds Sookie and a fight ensues.  Sam, in dog form, tries to save Sookie, only to get hurt.  Now it's up to Sookie to end this.  And she does.  With a shovel.  

And Rene is minus a head.

Now is the time for Bill to show up, looking like a charcoal briquette.  One can only hope this is the end of Bill Compton, but this man seems to have more lives than a cat.
Sam and Sookie bury Bill, and Sookie is afraid he is officially dead.

Of course, we all find out later that Bill is fine (damn) and Sookie and Bill have their reunion. Everything goes back to normal.  Or does it?

Eric and Pam show back up to Bill's, bring Jessica home.  Of course, Bill wants nothing to do with Jessica.  Eric informs him that there are favors, and then there are favors.  And Pam pipes in and informs Bill that Jessica is extremely annoying.

The season ends with Sookie and Tara opening Andy Bellfleur's car door and see a dead african american foot with nail polish on the toes.

And there you have it, darlings.  This is part 2 of Season 1 Review.  Check back soon for Season 2 and 3 Reviews, The Evolution of Eric Northman: Villain to Hero, and The Evil Known as Bill Compton.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Evil is going on. And evil has a new name...Bill Compton.

The episode opened with our beloved viking burning in the sun.  He is willing to die himself to make sure Russell is dead, and that Sookie is safe.  Does Sookie realize the depth of Eric's devotion?  I believe she is starting to see the light.

She wakes up from her blood draining coma to wonder aloud "where is Eric"?  Pam tearfully informs her that he is outside burning.  Sookie is on a mission to save him, even after his betrayal,  but of course Bill is there to try to stop her from the reality he knows he cannot stop anymore.  And Sookie tells him that he doesn't own her. Bill realized the depth of Sookie's feelings for Eric in episode 11.  Their car ride with their forced "what if" conversation the beginning of the end for Bill/Sookie.  And Bill knows it.

Sookie rushed outside to save Eric, and at first he tries to push her away.  Sookie isn't going to hear any of it.  She uses her magic fingers to blast the handcuffs apart and save Eric, while leaving Russell to fry.

During this time Eric was outside, Godric appears to him.  Why is Godric appearing to Eric?  I think Godric is appearing as an extension of Eric's growing conscience, the conscience he had long buried.  The conscience that is now reappearing due to his love for Sookie.  We watch him fighting Godric (conscience).  I think it's important we as viewers to see the reemergence of Eric's conscience played out for us, instead of thinking Eric has changed.  Eric is going to fight this, as we see him do through out the episode.  It's going to be a long, hard road for Eric to admit that he feels.  He has shut himself off from feeling for centuries.

After they get back inside, Sookie willingly offers her blood to Eric.  Another important milestone.  And she makes Bill bite her wrist since Eric is so weak. Another pointed jab to Bill.  Sookie pointedly tells Bill to watch Eric, since they both know what can happen when they lose control.  Sookie tells Bill this for a reason-deep down Sookie knows that Bill's excuse for what happened in the back of Alcide's truck is just that: an excuse. And she was willing to accept an excuse before, but not now.  Eric has no problem stopping, but wants to bring Russell in. Again, Sookie goes outside to bring him in.  This is important.  She is working as Eric's partner. She is helping him, showing him that she is his partner.

Russell is brought back in, and Sookie is put in charge of watching Russell while Eric, Pam and Bill sleep.  Eric and Sookie are already in tune with each other-Eric pointedly tells Sookie not to stake Russell.  And Sookie actually listens, and doesn't argue.
Sookie decides to sit on Eric's throne.  Another important thing.  Sookie could have sat anywhere in Fangtasia-but she chooses to sit in Eric's seat.  This shows her position of power and her need to be close to Eric.

Sookie and Russell have a conversation where he offers to kill Bill and Eric.  Or whichever she chooses.  Sookie realizes that Russell will never leave her alone, and chooses this time to flaunt her authority by taking Talbot's remains and putting them down the disposal in the sink at Fangtasia.   Sookie, thinking more like Eric, wants revenge.  And can you blame her?

Let's talk more about Bill Compton.  He knows it's the end of the road for him.  He has nothing to lose, and everything to gain.   In his delusional mind, he thinks if he can rid himself of one final obstacle, he can hide the truth.  So, he makes a last final mistake, and shows us how truly evil he is:


Bill, not content to just bury Eric in concrete to rid himself of his rival and the one person that can expose his lies, takes Eric's phone, disguises his voice to sound like Eric to order an assassin to kill Pam as well.

Bill comes back to Sookie's house, ready to woo her back.  He tells her Russell is dead, as is Eric, Pam and the Queen.  Sookie is visibly upset about Eric, and doesn't really hide it.  Bill then tells her that he just wants her to be safe and makes a move to leave. 

Sookie, starts to ask Bill to stay when we see the door fly open with the truth.  Finally.

Eric tells Sookie about Bill's deal with the Queen.  He was sent to Bon Temps to procure Sookie for her.  Sookie, asks Bill if it's true.  Bill, looking like a child caught with his hand in a cookie jar, says yes.  Then, Eric tells Sookie about Bill watching the Rattray's almost kill Sookie so he could give her his blood.  And this my darlings, makes True Blood Bill worse than Book Bill.    I suspected that Bill watched this go down with the Rattray's.  He stood back, and watched two psychopaths almost kill a girl.  And he waited.  Just so he could get his bad blood inside of her.

Sookie violently rescinds Bill's invitation to her house, and this made Jason's "Get the fuck out" to Bill look like a gentle whisper.  She also tells Eric to leave, but not before he tells her that he never would have handed her over to Russell, and that he is sorry to see her suffer, but she deserved to know the truth.

Where does this leave us for Season 4?  Russell is not dead-he is only buried under concrete with silver on him.  Bill is not going to give up on Sookie so easily.  Eric will want some sort of revenge on Bill.  But what will Sookie want?  I can only hope it is the beginning for us.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Fresh Blood Synopsis (or Eric Northman's Road to Redemption)

There are many themes and emotions going through this episode.









Eric is on the road to redemption.  He confronts Russell, explaining why he killed Talbot.  Russell tells him it doesn't matter since he will kill him regardless.  Eric then offers Russell the ultimate vampire fantasy: day walking.  Russell, being intrigued, goes with Eric.
I have explained Resolve.

Now I will recap 'Fresh Blood',  telling the story from the above mentioned themes and emotions.

Bill and Sookie have escaped Fangtasia, and have a surreal conversation about their future.  To me, this conversation seals their fate.  They both know it's over as they ponder 'what if'.  Bill speaks of fishing with Jason and teaching 3rd grade (eye roll).  This conversation is important for many reasons.  It lets us, the viewers, realize that their whole relationship has been based on 'what ifs', wishful thinking and lies.  Sookie wishes that Bill could be the man she wants him to be, and Bill, knowing he can't be that man, simply lies.  They are stopped on their return trip by Russell and Eric.


Flash to Sam Merlotte. He is angry and bitter.  We've now watched him slip as far down as I think he can go.  Gone is the friendly face of Sam.  We are now seeing a spiteful, hateful man.  I think we are seeing this side for a reason as well.  Sam's downward spiral is mirroring Bill Compton's true inner turmoil and spiral as well.  Bill Compton has a calm outer appearance, while we are seeing his inner turmoil reflected openly in Sam Merlotte.  I wonder if the Sam we are seeing now has to do with the consumption of Bill's blood at the end of season two, or if it is subtle storytelling by Alan Ball, or both?


Tara, filled with grief confronts Andy Bellfleur about the night Eggs was killed by Jason.  She tells him she knows the truth about that night.  We see, for the first time Andy Bellfleur express a true emotion: regret.  He regrets the real truth about that night.  He regrets being hailed a 'hero' for something he didn't do.  He regrets the lies.


We see Jessica and Hoyt together.  Hoyt tells Jessica he doesn't care what she is or what she's done-he just wants to be with her and doesn't feel complete without him.  Jessica tells him about the trucker she killed, but neglects to tell him about Gus (the werewolf).  Is this half-truth important?  Maybe, maybe not.  Again, Hoyt accepts Jessica and tells her to drink from him.


Eric is willing to sacrifice himself (again), because he has a plan.  He had accepted final death in episode 10 as he was having his will written.  Spurred on by Pam, he formulates a plan to save his life, Pam's life and yes, Sookie's life.  Russell, not being able to resist the thought of revenge and control, cannot resist the thought of day-walking. But he wants Eric to go first.  We watch Eric regretfully drink from Sookie, and take his first steps to redemption, and to the light.
He is willing to die along with Russell, if that keeps the women that he loves safe: Pam, his vampire 'child' and Sookie, the woman he has grown to love.


Pam, afraid to lose Eric, asks him "What if this doesn't work" and cries.  Eric tells her that he likes her when she is "cold and unfeeling".  She fears for the loss of her master, her father.  She cries as she watches him on the video cameras, facing the sun for the first time in 1000 years.

And finally, Love:

As Eric prepared to drink from Sookie, the amount of emotion we saw from Eric was enormous.  Eric showed love, regret, and wordlessly begged for forgiveness for what he was about to do.
For love, he is willing to sacrifice himself if it kills Russell, freeing Sookie from Russell's need to "collect" treasures.

For love, Eric is willing to step into the light.

It's been a long road to redemption for Eric Northman.  And it's been worth the wait.

I will leave you with one final picture.  It is of Eric, walking though a door at Fangtasia.  If anyone reading has any doubts about Alan Ball and his subtle hints and imagery, please look at the stickers on the door.  And I believe they are there for a reason.

Note the stickers that say "Stole your woman".  These first appeared in episode 10.  And I think this is a direct message to Bill:

Eric Northman has stolen your woman.