Sunday, October 17, 2010

Why I think Viking Girls Rock....

I've given this a lot of thought-and I'm not ashamed to admit it.  Alexander Skarsgård fans are awesome.  We are witty, snarky, cheeky, sarcastic, confident and united in our love (or lust) of one man.  One gorgeous, sexy, Swedish man-god that brought to life one of our favorite book characters, Eric Northman.  Many of us feel he has been robbed of critical scenes from the book, but with the limited story plot he has been given, Alex has gifted us with classic Eric Northman eye brow waggles, lion-like presence, wit, humor, and yes, ladies-performances that could make the panties go poof on the most reserved women out there.  We don't spend our time defending his actions, we accept his flaws and want more!  Alex knows what Eric is all about, and he does his best each week to give us what we want.

As we go through the arduous, long months ahead with no True Blood or Alexander Skarsgård to keep us warm on Sunday nights, keep in mind that he will be back.  And this post is dedicated to the viking girl in each one of us that spends hours replaying True Blood episodes on our DVR or DVD player, re-reads book 4, watches Swedish movies on youtube to catch a glimpse of him, and spends time on the internet Skarsgarding.  

And yes, Viking Girls Rock!

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